mercredi 28 octobre 2009

Belleau Wood

J'ai vu des vestiges de la guerre 14-18 trouvés dans les environs, des restes de tranchées et des trous d'obus. La forêt est très belle. Il y a au milieu du bois, un monument qui commémore la 4ème Brigade des “Marines” de la 2ème Division Américaine à qui revient principalement la capture du bois.

2 commentaires:

PCovi a dit…

I think the cannonball blew up inside that one cannon, that's why it's split in half I think!
It's so cool you got to go there..did you fall in a trench?

Clara a dit…

Yes Kendall, like you, i think the cannonball certainly blew up inside that cannon. It's a beautiful place, beautiful forest with so many oak trees. But i was very impressed by all of those vestiges. By luck, i didn't fall in the trenches (after a century they are not very deep). They are only vestiges of trenches. I was impressed by the size of the shell holes. Holes everywhere... if it does interest you to see those vestiges, next time i'll take some photos. There is also a memorial erected by the US Marines to commemorate the 4th Marine Brigade of the US 2d Division which was primarily responsible for the capture of the wood. On 30 June 1918, these woods were officially renamed “Wood of the Marine Brigade”.