jeudi 26 juillet 2012


Aujourd'hui c'est futo-maki ! Un petit makisu, vinaigre de riz, wasabi, soy sauce, gingembre mariné (gari), yaki-nori, riz à grains courts, et un couteau à légumes.

Pour moi, c'est saumon fumé, avocat, omelette et concombre :)

3 commentaires:

PCovi a dit…

Your taste has matured!
(not mine...I have not tried sushi yet...)

Unknown a dit…

OOoooh yummy!!! Okay-- your mom said it was easy to make and now that I see your photos, I think it is something that I will try to do! You like all of my favorites! Thanks for posting this. :)

Clara a dit…

I like sushis very much and I've enjoyed to make them, it's quite easy to do and very funny too :)