samedi 13 octobre 2012

J'ai lu “Miss Peregrine et les enfants particuliers” Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children de Ransom Riggs publié chez Bayard Jeunesse. Tim Burton pourrait bien en réaliser l'adaptation au cinéma. J'ai hâte de voir ça car j'ai adoré le livre qui raconte l'histoire d'un garçon de 16 ans a qui son grand-père a raconté des histoires sur son enfance passée dans un orphelinat qui abritait des enfants étranges...

4 commentaires:

PCovi a dit…

Oh why do we have to wait until 2013!!! This is going to be perfect for Tim Burton!
Let's go together, Clara :) You choose the country!

Clara a dit…

I'll have to wait longer than you :( I want to see it as soon as possible, so I suggest to see it in Nashville together :)

Bethany a dit…

Ooooh Spooky!!! I think I'll have to see this too. We just watched Tim Burton's "Dark Shadows" but it wasn't very good... I think because it was just a spoof of the tv show. Craig works with a man who met Tim Burton in London... his sister is his assistant! He doodled ideas on napkins the whole time when they were out to dinner. Then it was his sister's job to collect the napkins, scan them into the computer and keep a record of all his ideas so he can pull them together whenever he wants! He's a very creative man.
I like all of your pens and little doodads! Sometimes I think I will never grow up because I love little toys like this so much (esp. Hello Kitty!) xo

Clara a dit…

Outch! I was sure that I had replied to your comment, but I don't see it... Napkins can be helpful when we have forget our notebook :)) I haven't seen “Dark Shadows“, but I want to see “Frankenweenie“ :)