mardi 25 décembre 2012

25 décembre

Cette année je veux apprendre le japonais, et je vais le faire avec Totoro qui arrive du Japon :) Je vais commencer par étudier la graphie hiragana :) Manger des bento aussi, dans ma superbe boîte à bento.
Joyeux Noël !!

4 commentaires:

PCovi a dit…

Merry Christmas, Clara!!!
You will surely be a fast learner of Japanese! That is a cute little bento box!
Arigato for your friendship!

Clara a dit…

Thank you very much :) I hope you had a lovely Christmas!
Arigato for your friendship too!

Bethany a dit…

Merry Christmas Clara! It looks like you had a very good one from Santa!! ;) Is this your fourth language? I think you'll be able to learn it! Enjoy the rest of your break!

Clara a dit…

Thank you very much Bethany! Yes it was great! Yes, if I learn japanese seriously, it will be my forth language. And I really wish to speak japanese :)