samedi 19 juin 2010

au collège

Je suis allée visiter mon collège. J'ai fait le tour de toutes les salles : technologie, musique, arts plastiques, informatique, CDI, SVT, français, allemand, anglais... J'ai récupéré la liste des fournitures et croisé des copains dans les couloirs...

3 commentaires:

PCovi a dit…

Did you say college? Are you taking summer courses?
The artworks look great!

Clara a dit…

I'll be at Middle School in Sixth Grade in september (the “collège”for us in France). I took my time watching all of their lovely artworks :-)

Bethany a dit…

I LOVE the printmaking!!! I always taught this at Middle School... it's the perfect age to learn how to carve and print. Did you do any of this yet? If you haven't, then it's something to look forward to! You are a year behind Nathaniel in school. He attends the Middle School starting Aug. 30th. Caroline has been there a year and will be in 8th grade this year. I can't believe how old all of you are already!!