samedi 2 avril 2011

5, 4, 3 ...

Le printemps est arrivé ! Il y a des fleurs partout, des jaunes, des bleues, des blanches. J'en profite !

6 commentaires:

PCovi a dit…

K says "Is that a new or old dog? It it looks cute".

Everything looks so pretty!
Spring at last aaaahhhh :) Tell us about your doggie :)

Clara a dit…

This is not mine unfortunately :( but I love it, He is too cute ❤

Bethany a dit…

Spring is so pretty!! Mother Nature played a joke on us on April 1st-- we woke up to SNOW!! But our daffodils survived. I hope we get warmer weather like you have soon. I love the Westie... so cute! And so are you! ;)

Clara a dit…

Oh dear! Snow! The day was much colder today than yesterday, and I have had to put my coat and my scarf on. Luckily we didn't get any snow, and the weather should be sunny and warmer tomorrow :) This is my favorite dog :) Thank you!

Elodie Belllule a dit…

Ils sont magnifiques ces tapis de fleurs et de pétales!!! Ouahhhhhhhh Je suis épatée par le premier en particulier! Bises

Clara a dit…

Merci Elodie :)