lundi 18 avril 2011

Safari photo au milieu des panthères des neiges, des tigres, des lions, des guépards, des chats des sables. Je n'ai pas vu le chat de Cheshire à mon grand regret, mais je me suis promenée parmi les lémuriens, et bien qu'il était interdit de les toucher, eux n'ont pas écouté la consigne...

4 commentaires:

Bethany a dit…

I love white bengal tigers! We had them at the Cincinnati Zoo where I grew up! Those lions are beautiful too! So... what's on your birthday wish list this year? ;)

Clara a dit…

A portable keyboard :) I was quite impressed by the white tigers! so very big. It was also very funny to visit the lemurs, they were free on a little island :)

Bethany a dit…

The lemurs eyes make me think they look like little people dressed up in costumes! There used to be a children's show here that featured lemurs... they are fast!

Clara a dit…

Wouldn't it be Zoboomafoo? I found a link about this show, but i haven't seen it here.
I was impressed to see how fast they can be. Incredible and so cute! xo