lundi 24 août 2009

Jean Racine

Visite de la Ferté-Milon. Jean de la Fontaine s'y est marié en 1647 avec Marie Héricart. Ville natale de Jean Racine (1639-1699). Le musée Jean Racine est dans la maison de sa Grand-mère. Pour se rendre au château, il faut monter, monter... On découvre la statue de Jean Racine enfant, et tout en haut, le château. Il y a aussi une passerelle construite par Gustave Eiffel, mais je ne l'ai pas photographiée...

J'ai encore un peu le temps de lire Alexandre le Grand, Phèdre ou Andromaque, alors J'ai lu (bien que Molière et Jean Racine se soient brouillés) et j'ai beaucoup aimé d'ailleurs, “Louison et monsieur Molière” de Marie-Christine Helgerson chez Castor Poche Flammarion.

C'est l'histoire d'une petite fille, Louison, elle a dix ans, ses parents sont comédiens et travaillent dans la troupe de monsieur Molière. Ils sont amis et Molière vient souvent dîner chez eux. Un jour il remarque Louison, elle fait semblant d'être morte, il la choisit pour jouer dans sa dernière pièce. Elle va pouvoir réaliser son rêve, celui d'être actrice. Et pas n'importe où ! À la Comédie Française, devant la cour du Roi Soleil, Louis XIV...

2 commentaires:

Cottage Way of Life a dit…

I love visiting all these places with you. Thank you for sharing your great explorations with those of us who read your blog. To me, it is especially nice because we do not have anything that old here in California. There wasn't much here until the 1800s and unfortunately, much of what was old, has been torn down and rebuilt, which is very sad. I think the oldest buildings here are from the late 1800s. So ... seeing your photos is wonderful.

Also, I think the Molière book looks intriguing. You must share how you liked reading it. Lately, I have become fond of the film Molière, watching it several times.

Oh ... and please give your mama a message for me, I watched Babette's Feast and she was right! I liked it very, very much!!!


Clara a dit…

Thank you very much Sue :) and thank you also for your interesting comment. “Louison et monsieur Molière” is a very lovely story.
The story of a girl, Louison, she is ten, her parents are actors and work in the company of Molière. Molière often comes to dine with them. One day, he noticed Louison, as she pretended to be dead. He chooses her to play in his last play. She will be able to achieve her dream of being an actress. And not just anywhere! At the French Comedy, in the court of the Sun King, Louis XIV ... Lovely reading :) Mum is very pleased that you enjoyed watching Babette's Feast :) Have a very lovely day Sue :) Bisous :)